Empowering Business Growth, Building Enduring Legacies

At CJB Equities, we acquire and grow established businesses, creating value for investors and entrepreneurs.

old wealthy couple relaxing by the lake
Engineers Looking at Blueprint
years of experience
about us

Transforming Lives Through Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions

At CJB Equities, we blend ambitious investment strategies with meticulous execution to transform businesses in healthcare, professional services, and construction sectors. Our seasoned team partners with business owners to navigate the M&A process seamlessly, ensuring confidentiality, maximizing returns, and fostering long-term growth.

Our Focus

Building Your Diversified Portfolio

We are a private investment firm specializing in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) across various industries. Partnering with ambitious entrepreneurs and businesses to unlock their full potential. Our focus area of initial investment journey include:

Person Getting His Blood Check



CJB Equities purchases established businesses in the Northeast USA (New England, New York and New Jersey) with a focus on general medical spas, home healthcare agencies, and physical therapy practices. Businesses that demonstrate a minimum EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) of $500,000.

Man Working on Road


Construction & Infrastructure

CJB Equities acquires paving companies, concrete companies, or underground utility businesses primarily located in the Western US.

Tax Documents on the Table


Professional Services

 CJB Equities buys established CPA firms located throughout the US that specialize in tax and accounting services but exclude those offering compilations or audits.

Close-Up Photo of Accounting Documents
Why Choose Us

Our Approach

CJB Equities takes a collaborative approach to M&A. We work closely with business owners to understand their goals and develop a transaction that maximizes value for all parties involved.

Benefits of Partnering with CJB Equities

  • Confidentiality: We prioritize discretion throughout the M&A process.
  • Expertise: Our team has extensive experience in M&A transactions across various industries.
  • Focus on Growth: We work with businesses to unlock their growth potential and create long-term value.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

If you own or represent a business that aligns with our investment criteria, we encourage you to contact CJB Equities to explore potential partnerships.


What Our Partners Say About Us

“Partnering with CJB Equities has truly elevated our wellness center. Their deep understanding of the health and wellness industry allowed us to innovate and expand our service offerings effectively. The strategic guidance from CJB Equities has not only improved our operational efficiencies but also enhanced our client engagement and satisfaction. It’s a genuine partnership that respects our foundational values while pushing for growth and excellence.”

Kelli Nguyen-Ha Owner F6 Acquisitions in brown suit FB profile picture 4
Kelli Nguyen-Ha

Houston, TX

“Working with CJB Equities has transformed our CPA firm. Their strategic insights and hands-on approach in business analytics have been instrumental in refining our services and optimizing our operations. The equity partnership with CJB didn’t just bring financial investment; it brought a wealth of knowledge that has been crucial in setting us apart in a competitive market. I am excited about the future of our firm with CJB Equities as our partner.”

Mariann Tran CMO F6 Acquisitions in white suit FB profile picture
Mariann Tran

Houston, TX


do you have a question For Us?

We understand that exploring a potential partnership brings up questions. At CJB Equities, we value clear communication and transparency. Here, you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our investment approach and the partnership process.

If your specific question isn’t addressed here, don’t hesitate to contact us directly. We’re happy to discuss your unique situation and explore how CJB Equities can help you achieve your goals.


We actively seek established businesses in several sectors across the US. While we focus on specific regions for healthcare (Northeast & Southeast US) and construction & infrastructure (Western US), exceptional opportunities are considered nationwide, particularly for professional services (CPA firms excluding compilations/audits). Feel free to submit a business profile through our website for a quick assessment.

CJB Equities has a proven track record of unlocking a business’s full potential. We leverage our team’s extensive M&A and growth experience to implement customized strategies. This may involve operational improvements, marketing initiatives, or strategic partnerships. We work collaboratively with you to maximize value and achieve shared goals.

Our focus is on building mutually beneficial partnerships. We discuss all relevant details, including any potential fees, during the exploration process. Transparency and open communication are core values at CJB Equities.

The timeframe for each acquisition can vary depending on the complexity of the business and negotiations. However, we prioritize a streamlined and efficient process while ensuring thorough due diligence. We’ll keep you informed throughout and strive to complete the process as quickly as possible.

While we may not have publicly available case studies yet, we are actively building a portfolio of successful partnerships. We prioritize confidentiality, but we’re happy to discuss our approach and philosophy in more detail during a consultation.

Contact Us

Make An Appointment

CJB Equities offers a variety of opportunities. Whether you’re a business owner exploring a partnership or an individual interested in building wealth, we’re here to help.

Let’s Talk!

+1203 258 3454